Rwanda Nyampinga: Beautiful Women, Inside & Out

We're so proud to introduce an exceptional new single origin to our coffee line-up: meet Rwanda Nyampinga, a coffee that's 100% produced by women and is decorated with a story of overcoming adversity and prejudice.

Rwanda Nyampinga

Nyampinga is a women's coffee cooperative in the Nyaruguru district of Southern Rwanda. The word "Nyampinga" translates to "Beautiful women, inside and out." Over time, these under-resourced women have shown increased dedication toward growing quality coffee and connecting with the international market in order to provide better livelihoods for themselves and their families.

Rwanda Nyampinga

Rwanda Nyampinga

Nyampinga was one of the first cooperatives to enroll in the Sustainable Growers training program in agronomic best practices, market access initiatives, and quality control. The result of the farmer’s hard work and enhanced knowledge of coffee production has been a resounding improvement in cup quality. Nyampinga coffees are among the finest available in all of Rwanda.

Rwanda Nyampinga

Nyampinga operates its own washing station, which processes coffee from farmers all over the area. It serves as a key component of specialty coffee infrastructure, elevating the region’s cup profiles upward. At the coffee washing station the coffee is carefully depulped, fermented, washed, and dried on raised African beds. The members of the cooperative and coffee washing station diligently hand sort the coffees at each step of the way.

Enjoy the full-bodied flavors of cranberry and honey (dessert in a cup!) while you sip on one of our most inspiring coffees of the year, sourced from our friends at Sustainable Harvest. We’re proud to offer a coffee that’s not only 100% women produced, but also roasted by a woman here at DRINK COFFEE DO STUFF! Read more about our production roaster Emily Bax here, and shop Rwanda Nyampinga here.

Rwanda Nyampinga

Photos: Clay Enos

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